The National Archives and the Yeti

The U.S. National Archives has a great feature called Today’s Document. Today’s Document features one historical document (almost always a primary source) per day. Sometimes the documents are serious while other times the documents are not so serious.

Sunday’s featured document was a perfect example of a not-so-serious document. On Sunday Today’s Document was Regulations Governing Mountain Climbing Expeditions in Nepal – Relating to Yeti. The document came from the Agency for International Development at the American Embassy in Kathmandu, Nepal.

Applications for Education
There is usually a good lesson plan connected to the documents featured in Today’s Document. That wasn’t the case with the Yeti document. But you could certainly create one using the document analysis tools of DocsTeach. One prompt that I would give to my students concerning this document is, “why would a government agency need to draft a formal policy about searching for the Yeti?”


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