Free Technology For Teachers: Green Maps – Think Global, Map Local is a website designed for sharing information about the environment and sustainability. Green Maps maps the efforts of individuals and organizations doing work to protect and preserve the environment. Green Maps is a means through which organizations and individuals can share their initiatives and create a wider audience for their initiatives. Through Green Maps amateur and professional cartographers are creating maps highlighting the green efforts of organizations, individuals, cities, and countries. If you’re involved in an environmental sustainability project or would like to get involved with one you can find one on Green Maps. Click here to see the Green Map of San Antonio, Texas.

Here is a short video explaining the Green project.

Applications for Educators
Creating a map of the sustainability efforts in your locality could be a great community service project for students. They will learn about the environmental efforts in their community while spreading the message about sustainability. As a geography project students can use Green Maps, which is based on the Google Maps program, while learning basic map making skills. Green Map has a good list of map making resources for students. There is a small fee for some parts of Green Map, but you can avoid the fee by providing a small service for Green Maps. You can also get information via email or snail mail if you don’t want to register online.


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