Headlines and Heroes – A New Resource from the Library of Congress

The Library of Congress offers many excellent online resources for teachers and students. Even just following the LOC’s Twitter account will provide you with fun history facts. In fact, it was through that Twitter account that I learned about a new Library of Congress blog called Headline and Heroes: Newspaper, Comics & More Fine Print.

Headlines and Heroes launched this week with the purpose of sharing stories and fun facts about some of the 145,000 comic books in the LOC’s collection. It will also feature stories and interesting facts contained within some of the library’s vast newspaper collections. The first blog post appeared yesterday and it was, fittingly, all about Star Wars comic books. Future entries on the Headlines and Heroes blog are scheduled to appear on Tuesdays.

Applications for Education
Headlines and Heroes has the potential to provide interesting stories that could spark some students’ curiosity in history lessons. Students who currently enjoy comics and superhero movies may be intrigued by the stories from older versions of those that they now enjoy. I’d use that interest to prompt students to into the evolution of some other comics and stories.


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