Week in Review – The Most Popular Posts

Fenway offers editorial advice.

Good morning from Maine where the birds are chirping and spring is in the air. Before I run out to play with my dog in the nice weather, I have this week’s most popular posts to share with you. If you’ve had a busy week, this post provides a recap of what other readers read the most. I thank all of you who Tweeted, emailed, and otherwise shared your favorite posts with others this week.

Here are this week’s most popular posts:
1. 11 Good Digital Storytelling Resources
2. Read Children’s Books Online at the ICDL
3. Training Guides & Helpsheets for Interactive Whiteboards
4. Phrays – Word of the Day Writing Prompts
5. Digital Storytelling With iPads
6. Woodlands Games – Games for Elementary School
7. Diagram.ly – Drag & Drop Diagram Creation

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