A Good Directory of Where a Bill Becomes Law

Where a Bill Becomes a Law is a Google Maps-based site designed to help visitors determine where and when a bill was presented to the US Congress. The site links directly to the sponsors of each bill, a summary of each bill, and the complete text of each bill. Where a Bill Becomes a Law also shows you the movement of the bill through committees to final votes by Congress.

Applications for Education
Where a Bill Becomes a Law could be a good resource for teachers and students of U.S. Government. The site provides an easy way for students to determine who sponsored legislation. Using Google Maps you could have your students create a similar map of legislation from their state’s legislature. Have your students pick a piece of state legislation and put a placemark on the district of the legislator who proposed that legislation.

Here are a few other resources that can help students understand how a bill becomes a law.
US Civics Infographics
How a Bill Becomes Law – Interactive Flowchart
Videos for Learning About Congress

H/T to Google Maps Mania


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