A Teacher’s Guide to Classroom Backchannels & Informal Assessment Tools

Later this week I’m running a workshop on the use of backchannels, polling services, and informal assessment tools. In preparation for that workshop, I spent quite a bit of time putting together a 32 page PDF of ideas and directions for using TodaysMeet, Socrative, and the updated version of Wallwisher. The end of the document includes some alternatives to each of those three tools. I’ve embedded the document below (it’s hosted by Scribd) and you can download it from Scribd for your personal use. If you like it, I would appreciate it if you could share it on Twitter, Pinterest, Facebook, or Google+.

You may notice that a few pages in the document are marked with these lines, “This copy is for personal, non-commercial use and is not to be distributed in workshops not taught by Richard Byrne. Are you seeing this in a workshop not taught by Richard Byrne? If so, please ask the presenter to acquire a license to use this work.” Please contact me if you would like to use this document in a training that you are conducting or if you would like to distribute it to your faculty members without sending them here to get it.


Thank You Readers for 14 Amazing Years!