5 Good Mathematics Feeds for Teachers

I subscribe to roughly 300 blogs (honestly, I stopped keeping track a
while ago). Usually, when I say that at conference or workshop the
follow-up question I get goes something like this, “can you recommend
some good blogs for X?” So this week I’m going to publish a short list
each day of the blogs that usually come to mind when someone asks me to
make a recommendation for a blog related to teaching a particular
subject area. Today, I’m recommending five good mathematics feeds.

Even before I had the privilege to see him give a keynote in person and participate in a couple of his workshops, I was recommending Dan Meyer’s blog to everyone that would listen. From publishing his entire algebra and geometry curricula to challenging the way that math instruction is delivered, Dan’s work is remarkable. Watch Math Class Needs a Makeover to learn more about Dan’s philosophy of teaching mathematics.

Whenever David Wees comments on one of my blog posts it’s always insightful and it challenges my thinking. David brings those same qualities to his blog posts about mathematics instruction and using technology in the classroom. Read David’s recent post about raising mathematicians to get a good sense of what he’s about.

Colleen Young’s Mathematics, Learning and Web 2.0 is a good blog to subscribe to for practical, do-now, mathematics instruction ideas. When you visit her blog make sure you check out the “I’m Looking For” and “Wolfram Alpha” tabs.

Mathematics and Multimedia written by Guillermo Bautista is the blog that I usually recommend when people ask me for recommendations for learning about GeoGebra. Guillermo’s blog has a good collection of GeoGebra tutorials for both beginning and advanced users of GeoGebra.

is a neat YouTube channel about fun number facts, rules of mathematics, and the ways that our brains handle numbers. There is currently110 videos in the Numberphile collection. The videos cover
things like 998,001 and its Mysterious Recurring Decimals, Pi and Bouncing Balls, and 1 and Prime Numbers. I’ve embedded Numbers and Brains below.

(I’ve intentionally left Khan Academy off this list, that’s too obvious).


Thank You Readers for 14 Amazing Years!