ICYMI – Six On-Demand PD Opportunities

In August and September I hosted five live Practical Ed Tech webinars and launched one self-paced course. A lot of people expressed interest in the webinars but said that the timing didn’t work. That’s understandable as the beginning of this school year has been extremely busy for me too. That’s why I’ve made all of the webinars from August and September available on demand.

Five Practical Ed Tech Webinars Available On Demand

  • Search Strategies Students Need to Know
  • Get Organized With Google Classroom, Calendar, and Keep
  • Intro to Green Screens and Animation
  • Intro to Using AR & VR in Your Classroom
  • 5 Video Projects for Almost Every Classroom
All of the webinars are delivered to you as a downloadable file along with corresponding handouts. Descriptions for all of the webinars are available here.

Getting Going With G Suite

  • This is the on-demand version of my popular Getting Going With G Suite workshop. It is based on a decade of experience helping thousands of teachers get the most out of using G Suite for Education and other Google tools in their classrooms. Learn more and access the course here

Thank You Readers for 14 Amazing Years!