A Searchable Index of G Suite Updates

If you want to keep up with every update that Google makes to G Suite for Education, take a look at the What’s New in G Suite? searchable index.

What’s New in G Suite? is a table of recent updates and changes to all of the core G Suite products. You can filter the table according to product. The table includes the date of the update, brief description of the update, and a link to read more about the update.

Upcoming G Suite Releases is a table of updates to G Suite products that Google has in development but are not yet available to all users. You can search through that table according to G Suite product. You’ll see a brief description of the coming update and the release schedule for it.

Applications for Education
It can be hard to keep up with all of the updates that Google makes to G Suite for Education throughout the year. I try to highlight all of the updates that impact students and teachers directly, but there are many that I don’t report on because they affect impact a few users or only affect administrators. If you want to be the first to know when any G Suite for Education product is getting updated, keep an eye on What’s New in G Suite? and Upcoming G Suite Releases.


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