New Ways to Personalize Certificates in the Certify’em Google Forms Add-on

Certify’em is a Google Forms Add-on that I have been using all year to issue certificates when people complete one of my professional development webinars or courses. Certify’em makes it easy to have certificates automatically emailed to people when they successfully complete a Google Form. Besides using it for professional development certificates Certify’em can be used to issue certificates to students when they pass a quiz in Google Forms. This morning I learned the Certify’em has two new features.

Certify’em now lets you have a follow-up email automatically sent to people who complete your quiz in Google Form but do not pass the quiz. You can customize your automated follow-up email to encourage students to try again. Or you might use the follow-up email to share some additional review materials with your students.

The other new feature in Certify’em lets you use the same merge tags in emails to quiz takers as you use in the certificates that you create. Merge tags are what allow you to personalize certificates and emails. A list of the merge tags that you can use in Certify’em is available here.


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