Capsure – Share Collections of Images With Audio Notes

Capsure is a photo sharing service that lets you create private and public collections of photographs. Lots of other services do the same thing. What makes Capsure a little bit different is that you can add audio notes to your collections.

To add audio notes to image collections in Capsure you have to use either the free Android app or the free iPhone app. Within the app you can tap on any of the pictures that you add to a collection to launch the option to record an audio message. Then anyone who views the collection within the Capsure app can hear your audio message when they view the images.

Applications for Education
At this time of year there are lots of opportunities for taking pictures at special school events like field trips, community service projects, and graduation events. Capsure could provide a nice way for parents to capture those events and share them with family. Teachers could also use Capsure for capturing images and sounds of events to share with parents in a private Capsure collection.


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