One OneNote Feature I Wish Google Keep Had

As many readers know, I’m a long-time user of all things Google. That includes Google Keep which I have been using for all of my bookmarking and note-taking since Evernote gutted its free plan about two years ago. Recently, I’ve embarked on a quest to give other bookmarking and note-taking tools an honest try. So for the month of December I’m using OneNote, Zoho Notebook, and Google Keep in a side-by-side-by-side comparison of sorts. I’ll share my full report on these comparisons in January.

There is one feature that I have already identified in OneNote that I wish Google Keep had. The OneNote Chrome extension allows me to clip full pages into my notebook. In Google Keep I can only save a link and any text that I copy and paste into a note. Having the full page clipped into my notebook helps me remember why I saved a particular link without having to open the link in a new tab or window. It’s a small thing, but it is one thing that I can say I prefer about OneNote compared to Google Keep.

Applications for Education
Just as it helps me recall why I saved a webpage, clipping a full page can help students more quickly recall why they saved a particular webpage compared to if they just bookmarked a link.


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