FAQs About the 2018 Practical Ed Tech Coaching Group

Last weekend I announced the launch of the 2018 Practical Ed Tech Coaching Group. The first members have already registered. Many of you who have emailed me for more information about membership in the group. Yesterday afternoon I went live on my YouTube channel to answer those questions. If you missed the live broadcast, you can now watch it here.

The most frequently asked question has been, “what are the topics for the first webinars?” Here they are along with the days they will be held.

  • Building Digital Portfolios – January 9th
  • AR & VR in the Classroom – January 23rd
  • Social Media for Teachers & Principals – February 6th
  • Video Creation as Assessment – February 20th
  • Copyright for Teachers – March 6th
  • Programming Simple Apps – March 20th

Live Q&A/ discussion sessions open only to group members will be held on the last Tuesday evening of each month.

Click here to join the Practical Ed Tech Coaching Group today!

An unplanned bonus of membership in the Practical Ed Tech Coaching Group is that you will get to see the slow transformation of my office from disheveled space in my barn into a proper office. 

Thank You Readers for 14 Amazing Years!