Canva for Education

Earlier this week I mentioned having students use Canva to create holiday greeting cards. I’ve since had some folks ask about how students can use it if they don’t have email accounts. The short answer is that Canva supports using G Suite single sign-on which means that students can use their school-issued Google accounts to use Canva even if they don’t have active email addresses. The other option is to use a temporary email address service like those listed by Larry Ferlazzo to create accounts.

A couple of years ago I was involved in helping Canva develop the education section of their service. Out of that came a collection of lesson plans developed by leading educators like Terri Eichholz and Bill Ferriter. The collection of lesson plans cover topics in U.S. and World History, poetry, mathematics, science, and graphic design. The majority of the lesson plans are suitable for use in fourth through tenth grade.

Here’s a video that I made about how to create image collages in Canva.

This video that I made will show you how to use Canva’s webpage design and publishing tool.


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