New Playback Options Added to Haiku Deck

Haiku Deck is my favorite alternative to using PowerPoint or Google Slides to create presentations. Haiku Deck’s themes, templates, and integrated Creative Commons image search tool have made it a popular tool in schools. This week Haiku Deck added some more features that teachers and students will probably appreciate.

Now in Haiku Deck you can set timing for automatic advancing of your slides. As was suggested in the Haiku Deck blog, this could be a good option to use during Pecha Kucha or Ignite style events.

Sometimes it is easier to organize your ideas when you see them laid out in a grid format. Haiku Deck offers a grid format for your slides.

In case you missed the news late last year, Haiku Deck offers a “share to Google Classroom” option.

Subscribers to one of Haiku Deck’s premium plans now have the option to use an integrated YouTube video search tool. 


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