Five Ways Students Can Share Videos Without YouTube

It is not a secret that I enjoy helping teachers learn how to use video creation tools with their students. Creating videos is a process that students enjoy because the final product is something that they can share with a potentially large audience. Teachers like video projects because students get engaged in developing and sharing their best work. At the end of the project there is always a question of how to share the work. If your school doesn’t block it, YouTube is a good way to share (depending on your situation you might make the videos unlisted instead of public).

Google Apps for Education users can have students upload their videos to Google Drive and then share them just as they would share any other file in Google Drive. The videos will play in Google Drive. Complete directions for that process can be found here.

One of the many features of Padlet is the option to upload files to any note on a Padlet wall. If your students have made short videos or compressed the file, they can upload their videos directly to notes on a Padlet wall.

Dropbox users can utilize DropItToMe to have students upload video files to a Dropbox folder. DROPitTOme is a free service that works with Dropbox to allow people to upload files to your Dropbox account without giving them access to the contents of your Dropbox account. DROPitTOme works by synchronizing with your Dropbox account. After connecting the two services DROPitTOme provides a url that you can give to others to upload files to your Dropbox account. You must specify a password that has to be entered before an upload can take place. Give the url and password to those people you want to be able to upload files to your Dropbox account.

If your students are using iPads that are on running the latest OS they can use the AirDrop feature to share their videos with you and with each other.

Finally, students who have created videos that teach a lesson can upload those videos to Next Vista for Learning. Next Vista does review the videos to make sure they meet the content guidelines before they go live on the web.


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