By Request – 5 Resources for Teaching and Learning About Anatomy

This afternoon I received an email from a teacher seeking resources that her middle school students could access as part of an anatomy lesson she is developing. Rather than sharing that list with just one person, I am posting it here too.

eSkeletons is a great resources produced by the Department of Anthropology at the University of Texas at Austin. eSkeletons features interactive models of mammal skeletons. Select a model from the menu on the home page then click on any bone in the model to view it in detail. After select a bone to view you can choose from a menu of viewing angles. In many cases eSkeletons offers a short video about the bone you’ve selected from the menu.

BioDigital Human offers interactive 3D models of the human skeleton, muscle systems, and nervous system. You can turn on and off different views according to which body systems you want to view. The models can be rotated 360 degrees and the labels have an audio play-back option. In addition to the website, BioDigital Human is available as an iPad app and as Android app.

Healthline Body Maps features interactive 3D models for learning about human anatomy. Body Maps allows you to zoom-in on specific parts of the body or view the body as a whole. Whether you zoom-in on a specific portion of a model or view it as a whole, you can choose from eight layers to view. The layers start at the skin and end with the skeletal system. Body Maps has male and female models.

Important note about BioDigital Human and Healthline Body Maps:
If you are going to use either of these sites in your classroom, please beware that the models are all parts of the human body are visible depending upon which layers and views you select.

The Human Body Study Jams from Scholastic are slideshows and animations that provide a short overview of various topics in science and math. There are six human body Study Jams; skeletal system, nervous system, digestive system, respiratory system, muscular system, and circulatory system.

Visual Anatomy is an iPad app designed to help students learn the names of muscles, bones, organs, and systems in the human body. To use the app students select a system then click on the pinmarks in each image to learn about those parts of the body. The free version of the app has 300 pinmarks in standard resolution. The paid version of the app has 700 pinmarks with high resolution images.


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