This week I’m heading back to Phoenix to work with Tony Vincent at Grand Canyon University. It is sure to be much warmer there than it is here in Woodstock, Maine. Thinking about the heat of the desert reminded me of a Minute Physics video that provides a short explanation of how the sun works and why it isn’t burning out. The video is embedded below.
If the Minute Physics video isn’t adequate for your students, take a look at Where Does the Sun Get Its Energy? produced by Veritasium. This video uses a “man on the street” approach to teaching people how the sun works through the use of props. The lesson in this video could easily be reproduced in your classroom.
Applications for Education
Either of these videos could be useful in a flipper classroom setting. If you are thinking about trying the flipped classroom model, consider using one of these tools that allow you to build assessments into your flipped lessons.