Three Google Sheets Scripts That Help Teachers Save Time

One of the great things about technology is that it can help use do things more efficiently which in turn means we get to spend more time on the more enjoyable parts of teaching, like working with students instead of working with paperwork. If you’re a Google Apps user there are three Google Sheets (spreadsheets) scripts that I recommend trying. These scripts can help you save time on on sorting, grading, and assessing students’ work.

Flubaroo is an easy-to-use script that will grade multiple choice quizzes for you. You can even set-up the script to email all of your students their grades with just one click. Complete directions for using Flubaroo can be found here.

gClassFolders is a script that will create folders for you for as many course sections as you need. The concept behind it is this; students have a “dropbox” folder in their Google Drive accounts that you have shared with them. To submit work students drag files into that “dropbox” folder. From there gClassFolders sorts submissions to the correct folder for each student. You can find complete directions for gClassFolders here.

Doctopus is a Google Spreadsheet script that can help teachers manage the flow of shared work in in their Google Drive accounts. The basic concept behind the script is to enable teachers to quickly share documents with all of the students on a roster, monitor usage of shared documents, and give students feedback within that roster spreadsheet. Find directions for Doctopus here or watch the videos embedded below.


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