Social Media in 2013 – Questions for School Leaders to Consider

This morning at the AAFCS conference in Houston, Texas I facilitated a workshop about social media for leaders of organizations. We started the morning by watching the latest version of Erik Qualman’s Social Media Revolution then talked about a few questions to consider while thinking about using social media as the leader of an organization.

The questions we considered were:
What happens when someone Googles your organization?
What is being said about your organization without your knowledge?
Who represents your organization?
What will you share about your organization?
How will you handle negative feedback on social media?

Some resources to look at when planning social media policies for your organization: 
Edutopia – How to Create Social Media Guidelines for Your School 
Online database of sample social media policies

School leaders who have experience crafting social media policies, please feel free to add questions to consider in the comments below.


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