Inside Islam: What a Billion Muslims Really Think is a film that I shared a couple of years ago when it was featured on Snag Learning. Snag Learning appears to have shut down, but the film is still available on Snag Films.
The film is based on the work of Gallup researchers who interviewed
tens of thousands of people in 35 predominantly Muslim countries. The
researchers asked questions like “What do Muslim women really want?” and “What do Muslims like and dislike about the West?” The
film presents the researchers’ work to challenge some popular notions
and misconceptions about the feelings of Muslims toward the United
States. You can find the film here.
Applications for Education
Inside Islam: What a Billion Muslims Really Think
could be a good film for high school social studies teachers. You might
considering doing a prior knowledge check before showing the film then
afterward have students note how their “knowledge” changed after
watching the film.