What’s Obvious to You, Is Amazing to Someone Else

One of the reasons I sometimes hear people give for not blogging, Tweeting, or otherwise participating in sharing their ideas online is, “I don’t have anything to say.” To that I often reply, “yes, you do.” The great thing about sharing online is that you never know who is going to discover what you share. Something that you think has been said one hundred times over might be brand new to someone else. We all have something to share.

Applications for Education
This message needs to be shared with our students too. One of the ways you can do this is by having students write a weekly reflective blog post. They don’t have to write complex blog posts, just a short summary of their learning and observations that week will do. In this way students can learn from each other. Even if they don’t pick up anything brand new from this process, they will at least be reminding each other of what they have learned that week. A simple way to set up that type of student blogging is by using Posterous Spaces which I wrote about here.


Thank You Readers for 14 Amazing Years!