My 2011 Edublog Awards Nominations

Last week the 2011 Edublog Awards nomination process opened. Thank you to everyone that has nominated Free Technology for Teachers for awards.

I am not making nominations in all of the categories this year. There are three reasons for that. First, I don’t feel that I have a wide enough view on some of the categories. Second, some of the categories don’t really make sense to me (best Twitter hashtag?). Third, in a couple of categories I fear that my nominations could be construed as conflicts of interest.

Here are my 2011 Edublog Awards nominations:
Best Individual Blog – Moving at the Speed of Creativity – Wes Fryer
Best Open PD/ Unconference – EdCamp (in all of their forms and locations)
Best Resource Sharing Blog – Larry Ferlazzo’s Websites of the Day
Best School Administrator’s Blog – The Principal’s Page
Best Educational Use of Twitter – Steven Anderson
Best New Blog – Hack Education
Lifetime Achievement – Wes Fryer (now Dr. Wesley Fryer, congratulations Wes!)


Thank You Readers for 14 Amazing Years!