Week in Review – The Most Popular Posts

Good morning from Maine. As I look out my window and see some leaves changing color, it’s almost hard to believe that autumn is just around the corner. I hope that everyone who started school again this week, as I did, had a great start to the year. I know that I’m looking forward to trying some new things and improving on past practices. This year I plan to try using QR codes in classroom. In fact, I plan to do it next week. What new thing(s) are you trying in your school this year?

Here are this week’s most popular posts:
1. Try Splicd to Share Just a Portion of a Video
2. Find Helpful Bibliography Templates in Google Docs
3. Activities for Introducing Google Tools to Teachers and Students
4. Digital Dialects – Games for Language Practice
5. ScreenChomp – Create & Share Tutorials on Your iPad
6. Some Fun and Handy Chemistry Resources
7. ConceptBoard – A Collaborative Whiteboard Space

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