How to Embed Videos into Microsoft Office Documents

I haven’t created a document using a Microsoft product in years. Because of that, I did not know, and perhaps you didn’t know either, that you can embed YouTube videos into your Microsoft Office documents. For readers who use Microsoft Office, the HP Teacher Experience Exchange has a short video tutorial on how to embed YouTube videos into Microsoft Office 2010 documents.

That tutorial got me searching for others on the same topic on YouTube. Here’s a good one I found for embedding videos into Word 2007.

Applications for Education
While I still think it is far easier to embed a video into a Google Documents document than to embed them into Microsoft documents, I realize that many schools have a strong affinity for Microsoft. If you’re in one of those schools, using the tutorials I listed above could be a good way to have students create multimedia documents to demonstrate what they have researched and learned about a topic.

H/T to Josh Allen for the first tutorial. 


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