Week in Review – The Most Popular Items

Good morning from Maine where it is feeling like spring again. Blue jays are buzzing around making “Window TV” much more entertaining for my cats. And after a close encounter with a porcupine, my dog is convinced that spring is in the air too. While spring maybe here (or autumn for my friends south of the equator), there is still a lot of the school year left which means there is plenty of time to try something new this year. You could try one of the things featured in this week’s most popular posts.

Here are this week’s most popular posts:
1. RSS or How Do You Keep Up With All of This?
2. Ice Breaker Tags – Creative Name Tags
3. Time Lapse Visualization of the Earthquake in Japan
4. Two Simple Tools Every Teacher Should Try
5. Build Your Own Games and Enter the Kodu Cup
6. Lego City Comic Builder
7. Quickly Grade Quizzes With Flubaroo

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