Loads of Great Teacher Training Videos

When you’re trying to figure out how to use a new piece of software or a new web application, searching YouTube for how-to videos often returns some useful stuff. But for teachers there is a better place to turn to and that place is Russell Stannard’s Teacher Training Videos. Russell Stannard’s videos are screencasts in which he walks viewers through the process of using software and web applications from beginning to end. The videos are categorized by the purpose of the application  such as blogging, podcasting resources, online quizzes, file sharing, IWB, etc. There are also categories for EFL and MFL.

Applications for Education
If you’re a teacher that is new to using Web 2.0 tools in your classroom, take a look at Russell Stannard’s Teacher Training Videos to learn how to use some great tools in your classroom.

The next time you’re about to create a new screencast to show your colleagues how to use one of your favorite web applications, take a look at Russell Stannard’s Teacher Training Videos and you just might save yourself a lot of time.


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