Build Your Own Year in Review Collage

It’s that time of year again when the major media outlets begin to run “year in review” stories. One year in review that you might like to share with students comes from the Guardian. The Guardian’s 2010 Year in Review is an interactive collage of images from the year. Click on any image in the collage to learn about the event(s) of that day.

You can also build your own year in review collage using the tools provided by the Guardian. Your 2010 allows you to build a collage of your own by selecting one story for each month of the year. You can then share your collage with others by sending them the unique url assigned to your collage.

H/T to Jeffrey Hill.

Applications for Education
The Guardian’s Your 2010 could be a good tool to have students use to build their own year in review collages. Have students work through the stories from each month and select the one’s they think are the most important. Then have them share their collages with you and each other or have them present their collages to the class with an explanation of why they picked each event.

For an entertaining year in review, check out Flocabulary’s Year in Rap.


Thank You Readers for 14 Amazing Years!