GooReader – Read Google Books On Your Desktop

Google Books is a great resource for locating books and periodical articles that you can read online for free. You can even put those books and articles into your blog or website. (Get directions here). As great as Google Books is for locating materials, it’s visual appeal could use some work. That’s where GooReader comes into the picture.

GooReader is a desktop application for locating, reading, and saving materials from Google Books. The visual interface of GooReader is much nicer and should be easier on the eyes for many people. If you choose to upgrade to a paid plan, GooReader will allow you to print titles. But if you don’t upgrade, remember that you can print directly from Google Books for free. GooReader is currently only available for Windows. A Mac version is in development.

Watch a video overview of GooReader below.

Applications for Education
GooReader could be a good resource for reading and literature teachers who need access more titles than they or their students can find in local libraries.

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