Teachers Pet – Free Printable Teaching Resources

Teachers Pet is a provider of free printable resources for teachers of three to eleven year old students. On Teachers Pet you will find materials to use in teaching science, mathematics, literacy, and social studies. You will also find printable items such as award certificates and signs for your classroom. Teachers Pet even has stickers that you can print (if you have sticker paper). One the popular items on Teachers Pet is a fractions bingo game. Below is an image of one of the six pages in the fractions bingo game.

There are a lot of websites that offer similar free services, but what I like about Teachers Pet is that it is well designed and free of intrusive advertising. It does have advertising (which I certainly don’t begrudge them for), but unlike similar sites in their niche Teachers Pet doesn’t put those ads on the worksheets nor do they require you to join a mailing list to access materials.

Applications for Education
One thing for teachers in the US to note before using Teachers Pet is that it is a site based in the UK. This means that some of the resources for literacy may have phrasings or spellings that are different from those with which your students are familiar.


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