Create a Quiz from a Catalog of Questions

Quizinator is a free service designed to make the process of creating quizzes, exams, and other printable activities a more efficient process for teachers. Quizinator acts as a storage bank for multiple choice, true/false, and free response questions. Quizinator enables you to create a bank of your own questions or pick from their questions to create quizzes. If you create your own questions, you can include images in the question. To create a new quiz simply select the questions you want to appear on your quiz and Quizinator will add them to it. When you’ve selected all the questions you want, Quizinator will format the quiz for printing.

Where Quizinator shines is in its capacity for creating multiple versions of the same quiz. By selecting questions in a different order Quizinator allows you to rearrange the sequence in which questions appear on your quiz. That beats the heck out of retyping or even copying and pasting questions. Quizinator also provides a drag and drop function for editing the layout and elements appearing on your quiz.

Applications for Education
Quizinator could be a good resource for teachers who have to give the same quiz or test to multiple sections of the same course. Once you have your questions in your Quizinator account you can create many versions of the same quiz just by selecting questions in a different order each time you create a quiz.

Here are some related items that may be of interest to you:
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How to Publish a Quiz Using Google Docs
Free 33 Page Guide – Google for Teachers


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