That’s Not Cool – Learn About Cyber Stalking

That’s Not Cool is a website designed to teach young adults that online and mobile phone behavior is real behavior with real consequences. That’s Not Cool has three primary features; videos, discussion forum, and call out cards. The video section features video clips called Two Sided Stories. Two Sided Stories use puppets and stop motion to portray examples of cyber stalking. The discussion forum is called Talk It Out. In Talk It Out students can comment on stories and exchange comments about issues around cyber behavior. Call Out Cards are small posters featuring slogans and statements about cyber stalking behavior. Call Out Cards can be downloaded from That’s Not Cool. In addition to the three main features, That’s Not Cool provides students with resources and contacts if they think they are in an abusive relationship or are being cyber stalked.

Here’s a video from That’s Not Cool.

Thanks to Silvia Tolisano for the link to That’s Not Cool.

Applications for Education
In some schools recognition of abusive relationship behavior is part of the health curriculum. Recognizing cyber stalking and abusive cyber habits should be a part of those lessons. That’s Not Cool could be useful in helping to deliver lessons on recoginizing abusive online habits.

Here are some related items that may be of interest to you:
Steering Clear of Cyber Tricks
Guide for Talking With Kids About Being Online


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