Technology Resources from Special Ed Perspectives

Try as I might to present resources for every K-12 teacher, the fact of the matter is I’m just one guy and I tend to look at things from the perspective of a mainstream middle school and high school classroom teacher. I know that some subscribers to this blog are special education teachers. For those of you that teach special education students, I have two blogs that you should consider adding to your RSS reader.

Paul Hamilton’s Free Resources from the Net for Every Learner is a blog that I’ve been subscribed to for a couple of years. Paul had taken a small break from blogging, but started blogging again this month and has posted some great stuff.

Kate Ahern’s Teaching Learners With Multiple Special Needs is another blog written by a special education teacher. I’ve been subscribed to Kate’s blog almost as long I’ve been subscribed to Paul’s. As the blog title implies, Kate works with students who have multiple special needs. Through her blog I’ve learned a lot not only about the technology she uses, but the unique challenges special education teachers face on a daily basis.

I should also mention my fellow Mainer, Harold Shaw who teaches special education in a district a couple of hours north of me. Harold has recently written an interesting post titled Do Special Education Students Really Need to Have Grades?


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