Earthquake in Haiti – CNN Student News and Other Resources

Today’s episode of CNN Student News has a very short segment about yesterday’s earthquake in Haiti. CNN Student News has a PDF map that you can print and use in your classroom. You can find the map here.

I was without cable or Internet last night so I missed all of the breaking news about the earthquake in Haiti, but our friend Larry Ferlazzo was right on top of things and has put together a great list of resources for learning about the earthquake in Haiti.

CNN and the BBC have slideshows about the earthquake. View them here and here.

You may also want to see my list of five resources for learning about earthquakes. In addition to that list you may be interested in Stop Disasters, a game for learning about natural disasters.

Update: I forgot to mention this earlier, if you’re looking for the latest news out of Haiti and or pictures, running a Twitter search for #Haiti or just Haiti will yield a constant stream of updates.


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