Expedition Africa is a new television show starting this weekend on the History Channel. The basic premise of the show is four adventurers traveling across 970 miles of African bush in Tanzania. According to the trailers, the show is not a contest as the four adventurers are working together without any sort of prize at the end. The four adventurers include a wildlife expert, a navigator, a survivalist, and a journalist.
The Expedition Africa website has a game in which players try to travel 970 miles of African bush. Throughout the game players encounter natural obstacles and have to make decisions regarding course of travel and use of resources. In general the game could be described as Oregon Trail meets African bush.
Applications for Education
The Expedition Africa game could be a fun way for students to learn about the natural dangers of backcountry travel in Africa.
Here is a related resource that may be of interest to you:
Wild Earth TV – Live from the African Bush