Cloudlet – Refine Google, Yahoo, and Twitter Searches

I try many Firefox add-ons, but only use a handful of them on a regular basis. Search Cloudlet is one of those Firefox add-ons that I use frequently. Cloudlet helps you refine your searches by generating a tag cloud of terms closely related to your original search terms. Clicking one of the tags generates a new list of search results. Originally, Cloudlet only worked with Google and Yahoo, it now works for Twitter searches too. Click here to learn more about Cloudlet and see screen captures of the difference between searching with and without Cloudlet installed. To install Cloudlet click here or here.

Applications for Education
Cloudlet is a handy Firefox extension for students to have when they are struggling to find relevant search results or are struggling to refine search terms.

A couple of related resources can be found here and here.


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