Free Digital Photo Watermarking Tool

I have recently become very interested in copyright and content protection. On the same day that I was busy trying to prevent the re-use of Free Technology for Teachers for commercial gain, ran an article about watermarking images. The article included the reference to a free watermarking tool at I tried it out on some of the pictures I took while hiking last weekend. The service is easy to use, customizable, and fast. The only drawback to it is that the maximum file size it accepts is 100k and it does not accept PNG files. You can see one of the images I watermarked below.

Applications for Education is a good resource for art and photography teachers to introduce to their students. If your students have work that they are particularly proud of and want to put on the Internet, they may want to make sure that they are
properly credited . Creating a small custom watermark, it doesn’t have to be as large as the one I made, is a good way for students to make sure their work is protected.


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