Want to Go to Antarctica With Me?

I found out today that my trip to China as part of a teacher exchange program was officially canceled due to severe budget issues that my school district is facing. I still would love to go to China someday and I still have wanderlust therefore I’m looking for other exciting opportunities to combine teaching and traveling. Less than eight hours after finding out that my trip to China was canceled I found, through The Adventure Blog, an exciting opportunity to travel to Antarctica.

The Fuchs Foundation is planning to take four geography and science teachers on an expedition to Antarctica. The Fuchs Foundation wants four adventurous teachers to come on the expedition and produce teaching materials to be published on the web. The trip is by no means free, the teachers selected are expected to raise a five figure sum to help fund the expedition. There are not too many details available on the Fuchs Foundation website, but I’m going to apply for the opportunity anyway.

I’m going to apply for the opportunity. Is there anyone else that thinks spending days on end at -40F sounds like fun and wants to apply?


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