Keyboardr – Google Search Made Easier and Faster

Keyboardr is a new Internet search tool with predictive text that puts Google, Google Images, Wikipedia, and YouTube search all on one page.

As you type in a search term, results matching the letter or word you type appear. For example, when I searched the term Thanksgiving search results began to appear as soon as I typed the letter “t” and continuously changed until I had fully typed “Thanksgiving.”

One unique aspect of Keyboardr is that users can navigate the search results page and open links with a keyboard’s arrow keys and the enter key.

Below are two screen captures of the results page.

Applications for Education
Keyboardr is an interesting concept and could be a good search engine page as it puts four types of search results on one page. Keyboardr could also be a useful search engine for students who have trouble navigating a search engine with mouse.


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