Thank You for Your Patience

As many of you know, tomorrow some of my students and I are presenting at the MLTI Student Tech Team Conference at the University of Maine. This week I’ve been scrambling to get everything prepared, including student preparation, sub plans, etc. Therefore, I haven’t been able to blog as much as I normally would during the week. Next week I’ll be back to producing at my typical rate of 5-6 blog posts per day.

I have some great new things that I’m looking forward to sharing with you over the weekend and throughout next week. Here are some things to look for in the coming days: new Google Earth/ Google Maps features, new video conferencing tools, new educational games for health and science, a review of the OLPC XO laptop from the perspective of American high school students, and of course a summary and reflection on my experience at the MLTI Student Tech Team Conference.

If you’re going to be at the conference tomorrow, please stop by the presentation that my students and I are giving. You can read the presentation description here. Later this evening I’ll post the slide show that we’ll be sharing tomorrow.


Thank You Readers for 14 Amazing Years!