Educational Podcasts to Listen to This Week

For a couple of months I’ve been plugging Tech Teacher Live and Wicked Decent Learning as great podcasts for teachers interested in technology integration. I continue to listen to both of those podcasts every week and recently I’ve added two new items to my list of must hear and see items each week.

Tech Talk 4 Teachers
is a podcast produced by Tom Grissom at Eastern Illinois University. Each week Tom discusses topics related to education with an emphasis on technology’s role in education. In the most recent episode Tom discusses the issue of depth versus breadth when looking at web 2.0 tools. Tom is looking for listener feedback this week on the question of what web 2.0 tools teachers feel warrant further investigation. Check out Tech Talk 4 Teachers and share your thoughts with Tom.

My newest must watch item is actually a Youtube channel called Palm Breeze Cafe. Palm Breeze Cafe comes from the school district of Palm Beach County, Florida. Each episode Lee Keller and Kim Cavanaugh discuss technology as it relates to education. You can watch Palm Breeze Cafe on Youtube or on the Palm Breeze Cafe website. You may also want to visit Lee’s blog, A Geeky Momma’s Blog for more of Lee’s thoughts about education and technology.

This week on Ron Kroetz’s Tech Teacher Live podcast, Ron discusses a great $50,000 scholarship opportunity for middle school students. Check out Ron’s website Tech Teacher Live for more information or listen through the widget installed on the right-hand side of Free Technology 4 Teachers.

Finally, tune in to Wicked Decent Learning to hear Dan and Jeff discuss student recognition, video editing tools, and the impact of increasing food prices on school districts.


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