Free Technology For Teachers: My Rocket Book – Visual Depictions of Classic Books

My Rocket Book is a new website offering many animated short videos summarizing each chapter of classic literature. It some ways My Rocket Book is like Cliff Notes made into short animated videos. Each video synopsis is about three minutes in length making the videos a nice supplement to reading the book. In addition to video summaries there is a video quiz for every few chapters of each book. The My Rocket Book website also has a wiki of study guides accompanying each book.

The image below is linked to a video summarizing the first two chapters of The Scarlet Letter.

Applications for Educators
My Rocket Book will make a nice study aid for students. The videos are short and to the point and the study guides hit most of typical main points of each book. Just like with Cliff Notes or Spark Notes some students will try to get by on just using the summaries instead of actually reading. I prefer to focus on the positive aspects of sharing My Rocket Book with students rather than worry about those few who will try to get by without reading. My Rocket Book will make the stories and ideas of classic literature more accessible to more students.


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