Free Technology For Teachers: 20 Reasons For Students to Blog

Yesterday I wrote a list of ten benefits for having a class blog. Today I went looking for what other people have to say about the uses and benefits of having a class blog and having students write blogs. I found two great blog posts on one blog on the topic of student blogging. Global Teacher has a list of 20 reasons for student blogging and a great slide show about the pedagogy of student blogging. From a personal standpoint I was glad to see that the my justifications for blogging are similar to those in other parts of the world. One justification for blogging that seems to be universal is providing students with an authentic audience for their work. A second justification for blogging that also appears to be universal is the capacity of blogs to be a vehicle for students of all learning styles to demonstrate their understanding of a particular topic.

Here is the slide show about blogging pedagogy hosted on Global Teacher.


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