Free Technology For Teachers: Text Messaging Homework and Questions

Text messaging is one of, if not, the most preferred method of communication among teenagers. A teacher in San Francisco decided to put text messaging to work in her health class. Deb Levine had students in her sex ed class text message her with the questions they were afraid to ask in class. Click here to listen to the news report of the story.

Application For Educators
Students love to text message so take advantage of their passion and get them engaged in class. Speaking the language of your students goes a long way toward keeping them interested. There are many ways to use text messaging for good educational purposes. You can do like Deb Levine did and have students text the questions they’re afraid to ask in class. There are services like that allow you to call in or text in messages to shared web space.
My friend Jim Wells has suggested using text messages to show students how connected we are to the world and how easy it is get information from around the world. Jim suggested having students text ten people outside of the building to get answers to ten questions in ten minutes.
Be creative and you’ll find that most of the technology kids love can be incorporated into a lesson plan.


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