How to Use Custom Backgrounds in Animate from Audio Videos

In this week’s Practical Ed Tech Newsletter I featured a fun tool from Adobe called Animate from Audio. Based on the responses that I received to the newsletter, Animate from Audio is going to be used in a lot of classrooms over the next couple of weeks. A couple of the responses that I got were questions about using custom avatars and backgrounds in the videos. 

Unfortunately, you can’t upload your own avatar to the Animate from Audio editor. But you can upload your own background images to use in your videos. That process and the whole process of making a video with Animate from Audio is demonstrated in the video that is embedded below. 

Video – How to Use Custom Backgrounds in Animate from Audio

Applications for Education

Like I did in the video above, by using custom backgrounds students can create short videos to explain the highlights of a famous (or not-so-famous) place.


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