10,000 People Get Their Ed Tech Tips This Way

A few years back I decided to try to include more screencast videos in my blog posts. Initially, I hosted the videos on Vimeo and Wistia before realizing that I’d help more people by putting them on my YouTube channel. Those videos have been viewed more than 2,000,000 times and as of this morning the 10,000 people have subscribed to my YouTube channel.

If you haven’t checked it out, my YouTube channel is where you will find short screencast videos explaining things like how to use Flipgrid, how to use various Google Forms Add-ons, and how to make a virtual conference room. Occasionally, I make live recordings in which I pass along tips on blogging or make recommendations in response to questions I’ve received.

In case you’re curious, I have a video about the tools that I use to make most of my videos.


Thank You Readers for 14 Amazing Years!