Edublogs Publishes a Guide to Mobile Blogging

Edublogs, one of the two services that I recommend for classroom blogging, has published a free guide to blogging on mobile phones. Edublogs recently deprecated their free mobile apps and now recommends three other ways to post to your Edublogs blog from your phone.

The three methods that Edublogs now recommends for blogging on your phone are posting through the browser on your smart phone, posting via email, and or posting by using the free WordPress mobile app.  Complete directions for using these methods are included in the Edublogs Mobile Blogging Guide.

Applications for Education
Of the three methods that Edublogs recommends for posting a blog from a smart phone, using the web browser will be the easiest method for most students who are using Edublogs. Students will be able to sign into their Edublogs accounts just like they do when using a laptop or desktop computer. Students won’t have to install an additional app nor will they need to have an email address to post from their mobile phones.

If you’re thinking about starting a new classroom blog or trying to revive an old one, I have an on-demand webinar that teaches you how to do that


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