Three Search Tools Students Often Overlook

Google is the default search engine for many students. In fact, if your students have Chromebooks and the school has set Google as the default search engine, they may not even realize that there are search engines other than Google. Here are three search tools that students often overlook.

Sure this seems obvious and possibly redundant to Google, it’s not. Search the same terms on both Bing and Google and you’ll find some overlap, particularly on the first page of results, but as you dive deeper you’ll find different results. You can compare Bing and Google results on the same page right here.

Google Scholar
Google Scholar serves results that are quite different than what you’ll find on or Google Scholar is focused on academic articles rather than commercial results. Many of the results will lead to databases that require a subscription for access. The good news is that your school library or community library may have a subscription that will grant you access to those databases.

Subscription Databases
As mentioned above, your school library or community library probably has a subscription to one or more databases that you couldn’t otherwise access. Talk your librarian about which databases are available to you and your students.

Learn more about search strategies students need to know in tomorrow’s Practical Ed Tech webinar Ten Search Strategies Students Need To Know


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