Britannica Insights – A Chrome Extension for Encyclopedia Britannica

Britannica Insights is a Chrome Extension that will show you entries from Encyclopedia Britannica in the right-hand margin of your Google search results. The way it works is that when you conduct a Google search the extension will generate a list of related Britannica articles on the same page as the Google results. Basically, the Britannica Insights extension replaces the Wikipedia results that often appear in the right-hand margin of a Google search results page.

Despite studies indicating that Wikipedia is generally as accurate as Encyclopedia Britannica there are still people who insist that Wikipedia is unreliable. The Britannica Insights Chrome extension was made for those folks. (Side note, it was also made to direct traffic to the Encyclopedia Britannica website for the purpose of garnering ad revenue). Otherwise, the built-in quick facts panel that pops-up in many Google search results pages is just fine.

Applications for Education
The potential use for Britannica Insights is that it does provide quick access to generally accepted facts about topics that are commonly researched by students. That could save them a little time when starting a research project.


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