25 Topics for Whiteboard Videos

Apps like ShowMe and Educreations make creating whiteboard-style instructional videos a relatively simple process. These apps let you draw on a white screen on your iPad or Android tablet while talking at the same time. Often teachers make whiteboard videos to use as lessons for their students to watch independently. But having students make videos can be a great way to learn what they know about a topic and how they think about a topic. Here are twenty five topics that you could have your students make whiteboard videos about.


  • Why volcanoes erupt
  • The water cycle
  • Ocean tides
  • Tectonic plates
  • Inertia


  • Adding and subtracting fractions
  • The Pythagorean theorem
  • Slope intercept form
  • Compound interest
  • Long division

Social Studies

  • Ranked choice voting
  • Branches of government
  • Latitude and longitude
  • Map projections
  • Gerrymandering 

Language Arts

  • Parts of speech
  • Phonics lessons
  • Plot structure
  • Prefixes and suffixes
  • Types and structures of poems


  • Rules of various sports
  • Bass clef and treble clef
  • How to read a clock
  • Verb conjugation
  • How wi-fi networks work

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